Important information about the company move

Datum der Veröffentlichung

In a few months our company move to a new office building is imminent. For this reason we would like to inform our business partners that in the period from

▶ 18.-22.09.2023 no receipt and no shipment of goods 

will take place.

In addition, we would like to announce our new address and ask to use it from 25.09.2023:

Josef-Krätz-Straße 13, 89407 Dillingen

Telephone and fax number as well as eMail addresses remain unchanged.

Company move
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Whistleblower Protection Act/ Whistleblowing portal

Datum der Veröffentlichung

The Whistleblower Protection Act is intended to implement the EU Whistleblower Directive in German law and thus protect people who report violations and abuses in certain areas of a company. 

We are also fulfilling our obligation to set up a reporting channel for whistleblowers. The following link will take you to our whistleblower system:



News Tags

Save the date: fit for job 2023 - we are back again!

Datum der Veröffentlichung

We cordially invite all students and their parents to visit us at our booth at fit for job on 11.03.2023 in Höchstädt. For the 5th time in a row, we will present our apprenticeship professions as well as the dual study program at the local career information fair. The following training courses can be completet with us: 

Fit for job 2023
News Tags

Delivery times? Not an issue with us

Datum der Veröffentlichung

For months, reports about delivery bottlenecks have been piling up and everyone is talking about longer delivery times - not us! 
As usual, our high-quality products are available quickly and reliably.

The average delivery time for most materials is for

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Give us a call:
+49 [0] 90 71 - 79 45 - 0
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